Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Seriously! I'm just shy of a year since my last post. Out of sight, out of mind. I don't think about this blog thing until the worst times. Then I forget when when I have time. It funny to me that I'm on it now. Just yesterday I was going through my links and deleted or moved a bunch and the link for this blog appeared on my bookmark bar because I had made enough room for it.

Anyway, life gets busy and at times even lazy. That is no excuse. Each of us needs to show we are grateful for our blessings. My theory: If we don't show gratitude to those around us and to God, we will grow into old crotchety people that no one wants to be around, and we will offend God. Not good! I want to steer clear of that.

I have been sick lately. Still, for the most part, I'm healthy. I have 2 legs that work (mostly). I have 2 arms and hands that work. Although, at times, I wonder if my head is still attached, I recently discovered it's fairly permanent. I am grateful for this.

I have really had a hard time over this past year or so. Trying to get over a bad knee surgery and having to move has definitely had its toll on me. Now, I could focus on the negative of this, which in some cases I think I've done too much of, or I can be thankful for my home and family and the fact that I can still walk. I need to take advantage, while I still can, of these blessing. I have good neighbors and friends, a wonderful family and I have the Gospel of Jesus Christ in my life. What could be better? Really, nothing! God and Family is key, then comes friends and neighbors. Serve them and you will find joy and happiness. I need to remember this more often. I'm a simple man with a hard head.

Until next time, Thank you!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


If you are reading this post you are most likely wondering, as am I, why it takes me (us) until November to really think about the things we are grateful for. Really it doesn't. I am very grateful for many things all the time. I just haven't taken the time to write about it. Obviously I am not fulfilling my goal to write each day. It's a lot harder then one thinks when starting something like this.

I am thankful for much, but I could do a lot better. Unless you truly have a grateful attitude you miss out on so many things to be thankful for. I must admit that lately my attitude hasn't been aligned correctly. I really need an adjustment. I just need to stop and take time to think about those things in my life that are of the greatest importance. In doing so I will see the great blessings in which I should be grateful.

A while back I remember hearing a quote or something similar to this:

- There are many good things in our life, even great things. Many of the good and great things we do are fun and recreational. There are also many important things in our life. We need to make sure the important come before the good and great. - 

Example - It's great and fun to go golfing (if you like that, if not choose another hobby/sport/etc...), but it's important to be there for your family. It's important to support your children and your wife. It's important to help them realize there dreams. It's important to be there for them.

Later in life your golf game will mean nothing, but your family will be everything. If you are not living that way now, then change. Make it a priority. I'm not perfect (in fact I've got a lot of work to do), no one will be perfect, but try.

I am so grateful for my loving family. My wife and kiddos, my parents and siblings. It's good, great and important. I love it!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Long Time

Ok, so I'm not so good at keeping up to date and fulfilling my goal to post a thankful thought everyday. In fact, I'm rather awful at it.

In the past 10 months I've had a lot of trials thrown in my face. I won't touch on all of them, but one of them caused my family and I to have to sell our home. We lived there for almost 9 years. We had many, many friends and great neighbors. We now live about 5 miles away from that home we loved so much. It's not far but it really tears at the heart.

Although this move was very difficult, I am so thankful that we found a nice home to raise our children. We've met many of our neighbors and it seems to be a good place. It will take some getting used to, but this is where we are to be. We really have been blessed!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Helping Hands

This is what it's all about. Thank you Joshua Brown for the video.  Please take time to watch it.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Yesterday was election day. I was really hoping Romney would win the presidency. Yet, here we are with Obama. The past four years have looked very bleak with Obama as president, but he is our nations elected leader and we need to stand behind him. We may not agree with all he does and we don't need to. We do however need to remember we live in the United States, the greatest nation on Earth. We will survive the difficult times we face. We need to look forward and do what we can to make things better. This is not a job for one man. We need to do our part. Help someone in need! Help a neighbor! Help a friend! Just be willing to help where you can! That is what this nations needs more than anything else. People willing to put themselves aside for others. Work to make your homes better! Work to make your neighborhoods better! Work to make your churches better!

I read a quote from President Harold B. Lee. today.
"Men may fail in this country, earthquakes may come, seas may heave beyond their bounds, there may be great drought, disaster, and hardship, but this nation, founded on principles laid down by men whom God raised up, will never fail."
 Let us always remember this and do our part to make it even better. Keep up the hope!

Friday, September 21, 2012

It's Been Rough

I have most definitely not lived up to what I wanted to do with this blog. But I can none the less still show gratitude each day without writing about it.

My kiddos started school about a month ago and each has impressed me with their abilities and choices. Sure they are children and still make some unwise choices, that's what kids do. We are there for them. To teach them and lift them when they fall. They learn from us. When we get a glimpse, in them of what we have taught, shining through it gives great joy and gratitude. I love my kiddos. On my worst days, they have a knack of breaking through my "bad day shielding" to make me smile. They are incredible.

A few weeks back I found out that a contract I have fulfilled for a company for over 10 years will no longer continue. They have restructured the company and joined forces with another firm. That other firm already had an in house position that does what I did on contract. I'm not hurt at all by this emotionally, in the sense that it's not a personal thing against me. I have many other things that can fill in the time I spent doing the work, but I and my family have come to depend on that income. On the other hand the loss is devastating. We have been working with others from religious leaders to real estate agents and an attorney, even many close friends and family in order to find a way to keep our home. The challenge is formidable. We have basically been told that in order to get started with any assistance we must first miss a few house payments. This is a hard thing to do. If we make the payments we have no money for food, clothing, gas, medical... If we don't we lose good standing with our creditor. We take a hit in our credit and possibly the opportunity or ability to buy another home if we loose this one. We are receiving assistance now, until we can formulate a plan of action. We have tried to work with our bank but it doesn't look promising. Yet, with all of this (and believe me it is quite the burden to bare) it seems easy to be thankful for what I have. The reason is my Savior Jesus Christ. He is offloading the pressure of this and other burdens to where I can bare it. Otherwise I would be crushed under it's weight. I am so thankful for what He (Jesus Christ) has done for me and my family. We will be fine. Everything will work out. in the future I'll look back at this day and will be thankful for this trial and that I was able, with Christ's help, to endure it. Thank you!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Quality Time = Great Family

It just seems time slips by so quickly. Well, that is when you don't want it to. There are always those situations we get in where time doesn't seem to go fast enough.

I see my kids growing up so fast. Almost 14 years ago my fist was born. I can still see her tiny, beautiful self, as if she were just born.

At times it seems I can't wait for them to get older and more responsible. Then it happens! All you want then is more time with how they were. How they would run to, you when you got home, with their big bright smiles. The innocent looks on their face when you know they've been mischievous. Their angelic likeness when sleeping.

It hurts to see the innocence the world seems to steal away from them as they get older. Yet, to see them overcome the worldly is a prize to be cherished. Simple small steps, in the right direction - the right decisions and choices being made - Whether or not we choose to, we all have the responsibility to better ourselves. When great steps of improvement, whether big or small, are seen in your child it brings joy to your heart.

I am still learning the Time principle. Children require time. Family requires time. The more quality time spent with your family, the more positive experiences you will have with them, and the better quality your relationships with them will be. Sometimes it's difficult to give our time. It's hard when we want it for ourselves. At times it can be extremely difficult to be selfless, and many times it's easier to be selfless to those not as close to us as our family. That's interesting isn't it! It can be more difficult to get along with those we love the most, then with a friend, acquaintance or even a stranger. Time is required of us and if we let it slip away we are left with the pang of regret. Looking into the eyes of those who grew up and into the past of what was missed. I am trying to give more selfless time. It's a struggle sometimes, but it's worth it.

I love me children and my beautiful, wonderful wife that brought them into this world. What a blessing and miracle they are. I am so very thankful for them.